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What is "exp" and how can I earn it?
With the launch of this statistics website, we have introduced the concept of "exp points" which are experience-based points calculated from analysing the data associated with a player's account. Each player's account is given a certain amount of calculated exp points, and a calculated level which is based on the number of exp points for this player. These exp points are not saveable (yet!) and are completely calculated on-the-fly. For now, you cannot view your calculated experience points or level from in-game, but we plan to add this in the near future.
How are levels and points calculated?
Experience points are solely calculated by the playtime (per hour) and kill count of a player's account. For every kill a
player gets, +1 exp is given to the player. Similarly, +5 exp is given for every hour (+1 per 12 minutes) of playtime that the player has
played for on the server. If the player donates to the server, or reaches significant milestones for playtime or kills (for example, 100 kills)
the player is given extra experience points based on the award that they were eligible for (which appear on the right-hand side of the page).
What should I do then?
In order to gain experience points and levels, you need to kill players, and play the server regularly! If you are still having trouble grasping
this concept, please see our forums where we're sure we can help you out!